Adventures in Knitting
I’m back from a week on the road. Monday evening I flew into Charlotte, North Carolina for a shoot the next day at the Craft Yarn Council of America where Warm Up America HQ is housed. I’m not sure if…
I’m back from a week on the road. Monday evening I flew into Charlotte, North Carolina for a shoot the next day at the Craft Yarn Council of America where Warm Up America HQ is housed. I’m not sure if…
I finally received the errata for Knitty Gritty Knits yesterday. It’s really extensive. Really.Special thanks to Traci Bunkers for her mad technical editing skills and to Jenny Medford for getting it up on my site so quickly. It’s unclear whether…
The other day I was going through my pile of vintage Workbasket magazines and came across (in the November 1959 issue) a sketch of a girl who, well, appears to be me. The eyebrows, the nose, even one incarnation of…
Lookie–the cover for my next book, Knit Aid is finally finished! PRE-ORDER a signed copy now! Special thanks to illustrator Leela Corman (also responsible for all of the artwork in the book, “You Grow Girl”) for working so hard to…
The countdown has begun– less than 2 months until one of my favorite holidays, Halloween! If you’re feeling crafty, check out my Eco-Craft column in the Back to School issue of Kiwi Magazine for instructions on making your child’s own…
We’ve been watching a lot of movies lately especially, while I’m working on projects for Catwalk Crochet. I finally saw Donnie Darko for the first time. I know. I’m 6 years late. I can only blame that on it’s release…
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