
Swiper Fingerless Mitts

That 70’s Sock

Bobble Coffee Sleeve

Hippie Flower

Cashmere Bandit Scarf (crochet)

Cashmere Bandit Scarf (knit)
![How to Crochet Buttons with Vickie Howell [VIDEO and Patterns.] In this video and post, expert Vickie Howell teaches how to use yarn scraps to crochet bobble and circle buttons. #crochet #crochetpattern #learntocrochet #crochetbuttons #buttons #maker #DIYbuttons]()
Crochet Bobble & Circle Buttons
![How to Crochet Socks | Basic Sock Recipe by Vickie Howell | Toe-up Crochet Sock [VIDEO] #crochet #howtocrochetsocks #learntocrochet #learntocrochetsocks, #crochetbabysocks #baby #yarn #tutorial #askmemonday #vickiehowell #crochettoeupsock #afterthoughtheel #crochetsockpattern]()
Crochet Socks Recipe

Knit Wire Ring
![Learn How to Knit with Wire | Learn How to Crochet with Wire | Make wire and bead rings with Vickie Howell. [VIDEO] from her Ask Me Monday series. #knitwithwire #crochetwithwire #crochetwithbeads #knitwithbeads #summerknitting #knittingjewelry #crochetjewelry]()
Crochet Wire Rings

Gradient with a Twist Mitts

Granny Square Beaded Bracelet

Crochet Moonstone Bracelet

Green Peace Eye Pillow

Crochet Sachet

Knit Sachet

Plarn Lunch Tote

Pucker-Up Pillow Cases

Valentine Wallhanging

Mooshy Gooshy Cowl

Santa Sloucher

Sway (Wine Bottle Cozy)

Santa Wall Hanging (Macrame)

Sunshine Cloud Scarf

Bargello Cowl

Creepy Crochet Cactus

Starburst Cloud Poncho

Halloween Pom Pom Wreath

Flower Loom Earrings

Pom Pom Earrings

End Of Summer Scarf

Cork & Crochet Bag

Merry Knitmas Stocking

Sorbet Scarf (Tunisian Crochet)

Corner to Corner (c2c) Cushion

Mini Woven Wall Hanging (Clover Loom)

Brioche the Subject

Paper & Crochet Galentines

Messy Bun Beanie

Open Hearted Crochet Motif

Free-Spirit Chunky Crochet Shawl

Dashing Unisex Beanie

Hexi Scarf

Off Kilter Crochet Cable Throw

Cuppa Cozie

Oval Loom Wine Sleeve

Hi-fi Hat

Chunky Hairpin Lace Scarf

Hair Pin Lace Leather Bracelets

Kitschmas Stocking