Posts Categorized: Random Ramblings


Sandwich Goodness

As a newly converted vegetarian I’ve been interested in finding quick, meatless, yet still yummy lunch options. My current obsession is the sandwich–after all, woman cannot live on salad alone! With the help of a few of my favorite Morningstar…


Achtung, Ole?

On Saturday my friend Jenny (aka Web Mistress Extraordinaire) and I took our 6 year olds to Six Flags Fiesta Texas to celebrate their graduation from kindergarten. By some random act of luck or timing, the park was fairly empty…


Force Majeure

Not 12 hours after me, Jennifer, Hope and our respective husband and boyfriends were hanging out on my patio debating Twin Peaks vs. Carnivale, an old school bus–curtains drawn and bogged down by various luggage and bicycles tethered to the…


Misty Water Colored

I don’t know if you remember me mentioning a couple of months back how I had reconnected (via MySpace)with my teenagehood best guy friend, Karl. He was in business in Vegas while I was there for the CHA convention, so…