Welcome to Paradise.
In cool news, yesterday I heard from Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day’s people that his wife Adrienne, wants some VHC ROCK to knit with in the color I named after him. Pretty cool. I’m knitting up some Hand Like…
In cool news, yesterday I heard from Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day’s people that his wife Adrienne, wants some VHC ROCK to knit with in the color I named after him. Pretty cool. I’m knitting up some Hand Like…
Alright, business before pleasure. I finally got the pattern for the crocheted collar I’m wearing in all of the Vickie Howell Collection yarn ads, up in my Shop page. Well actually, I didn’t do crap, the amazing Jenny did. Regardless,…
On Friday night, Dave took me to our favorite theater Alamo Drafthouse, for dinner and a movie. It was the opening night of Knocked Up so in true Alamo form, celebrations commenced. The theater tables were strewn with condoms and…
Rosie PosieZippy Make-up Bag MATERIALS1 Ball Vickie Howell Collection CRAFT (65% Organic Cotton/35% Milk Fiber; 125m/50gr),in color: Sandi (MC)1 Ball Vickie Howell Collection CRAFT (65% Organic Cotton/35% Milk Fiber; 125m/50gr),in color: Share (CC)Scraps of periwinkle & yellow, sport-weight yarn. I…
After all of these months, I finally took a look at the Brimster pattern people have been e-mailing me about and realized that I accidentally posted the version that hadn’t been technical edited. Nice. Considering my utter lack of anything…
Heya! I just finished swatching 3 new colors in CRAFT, due out this summer! Have a looksie, wontcha? Yarn: Vickie Howell Collection Craft/ Color: Supercrafty(Namesake: Portland Supercrafty) Yarn: Vickie Howell Collection Craft/ Color: Share(Namesake: Share Ross of Punk Knits) Yarn:…
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