
Oops, I knit it again!

After all of these months, I finally took a look at the Brimster pattern people have been e-mailing me about and realized that I accidentally posted the version that hadn’t been technical edited. Nice. Considering my utter lack of anything…


Craft, Rock, Podcast

Heya! I just finished swatching 3 new colors in CRAFT, due out this summer! Have a looksie, wontcha? Yarn: Vickie Howell Collection Craft/ Color: Supercrafty(Namesake: Portland Supercrafty) Yarn: Vickie Howell Collection Craft/ Color: Share(Namesake: Share Ross of Punk Knits) Yarn:…


Every Day is Like Sunday

Dear Ms. Puffy-haired, missed-a-spot-when-you-blew-it-straight, stranger: I am unamused by the fact that you a.) decided to re-position yourself in the crowd during a pinnacle moment of a musical icon’s performance and, b.) that you chose to do so, within5 inches…


Post about nothing.

Recently my husband told me about how a critic on one of the movie sites he frequents ended a post with, “Has Will Smith ever done a movie that he doesn’t say, ‘Aw, hell no.’ in? It’s a valid question,…


But wait, there’s more!

In an odd coincidence, both my former and current sisters-in-law had babies on the same day. May 16th was new-cousin-palooza for my boys! We had already brought baby Sam some goodies when we went to his shower in Dallas last…