
Colors (Not the Sean Penn Movie)

Alrighty, ladies and gentleknitters, I finally have swatches of the new LOVE and all of the VEGAS colors. Sit back, and watch the magic. 😉 Summer (‘o7) of Love Andrew & Sam(cool, sage green) Clarence & Alabama(hot pink–ohhhh yeah!) Miles…


Vancouver or bust!

I’m headed off to Vancouver on Monday. I saw the movie “Sicko” last night and feel that I have no other choice than to flee to Canada. 😉 Actually, Igoing for the guest appearance I mentioned in another post, on…


Party Pics!

Dave McLaughlin, the photographer from our post-elopement celebration, just posted a few shots on his blog…which I promptly grabbed to share with you. I love how artsy he got!The party was on the rooftop plaza at the Whole Foods flagship…


My Alternative

I’m so excited, ROCK and my “Hand Like a Hole” wristbands got a mention in the new issue of Alternative Press Magazine! It would make me so happy to know that musicians out there saw the blurb and started knitting-up…


So KniTORIous

I don’t know what strange universe I’m living in that allows me to do the most random things all in the name of knitting but, I’m not going to question it–I’m just along for the ride! Last week I got…