Easter Craft Inspiration
This time last year I was hard at work making a Peeps wreath for our annual Easterpalooza celebration. This year though, the kiddos are with their dad so I realized today that I’d done nothing at all yet, to prepare…
This time last year I was hard at work making a Peeps wreath for our annual Easterpalooza celebration. This year though, the kiddos are with their dad so I realized today that I’d done nothing at all yet, to prepare…
I’m back from North Carolina. It was a great trip except seriously, I have the worst travel karma. I got stuck in Atlanta when there were maintenance problems with the plane so in order to not completely miss all of the…
The South by Southwest Music festival officially wrapped yesterday and as the city recovers from the aftermath of a million-person party and collective hangover, I wonder what it must be like for outsiders who descend onto a normally mellow Austin…
Today officially kicks off the music portion of the SXSW (South by Southwest) festival. Over the course of the next 4 days, over 1600 bands will play multiple shows in bars, clubs, coffee houses, parking lots, stores… basically anywhere that…
In lieu of a belated convention report (the ladies over at Lime & Violet were all kinds of thorough in their’s so if you’re dying for the inside scoop, check their blog out!), I give you: a picture collage of…
We took part in the clusterf%$@ that was the Texas caucus on Tuesday. As I’ve mentioned before, we live in a neighborhood that isn’t necessarily a beacon of suburban safety but decided anyway, to walk to the nighttime caucus site. There’s something…
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