Search Results for: tips


Ask Etsy!

Hey all! Tomorrow I interview Etsy big-wiggy Matt, for CRL. Got any hot burning questions you’d like me to ask him about the inner workings of the company, tips he might have, how did get your stuff featured on the…


Sew Cute, Sew Not Working

Right before I’m about to gear up to start another labor-intensive work project, I tend to go on a mad, personal crafting spree–frivolously, making things that have nothing to do withneither  deadline nor conceptualization (Qas that too many negatives in…


Knit Aid!

“What a great book! [Vickie] really covers everything and I love the small size, I can definitely see myself keeping this book at my fingertips.  Good job!”–Brett Bara, Editor, Crochet Today Well, it’s official, Knit Aid: a Learn It, Fix…