Posts Categorized: Knitting/Crochet


Nylon Knitters

I was flipping through a copy of NYLON Magazine (the one with Scarlett Johansson on the cover) and randomly came across not one but TWO of my friends/former guests from Knitty Gritty, featured within its pages! It’s unlikely that the…


PROJECT: Sari Scrap Bangles

Whether like me, you’re desperately trying to juggle everything while the kids are out for summer (3 weeks down parents, 9 to go!), or if the heat just has you feeling large-project-non-committal–this time of year is perfect for quick, lightweight projects that…


Where’s the love? ;)

Sometimes all of the stars align and this whole working-mom gig goes off without a hitch. Other times,  I find myself a day late and a dollar short on accomplishing anything even close to an ideal amount of tasks.  Preparations…