Posts Categorized: Books/How2 Goodness


Oh, Balls!

Is it a bird, is it a skein?  Are you HANKering to know the difference between a ball and a cake? Well my knitting friends, watch this video and you’ll no longer exclaim, “Oh balls!” when you’re trying to decipher…


Proof of Life

For those of you who’ve ordered copies of Knit Aid from me, the shipment finally arrived last night. Rebecca came over today and we got them signed, packed and ready-to-go, factory style! They’ll go out tomorrow so you’ll have them…


Knit Aid!

“What a great book! [Vickie] really covers everything and I love the small size, I can definitely see myself keeping this book at my fingertips.  Good job!”–Brett Bara, Editor, Crochet Today Well, it’s official, Knit Aid: a Learn It, Fix…