CHA, Day 2!
Hey, everyone! A few pictures from yesterday at CHA, before I head out for my last day at the convention. I stopped by the PLAID booth to make a necklace with Candie Cooper. My finished necklace from Candie’s Make &…
Hey, everyone! A few pictures from yesterday at CHA, before I head out for my last day at the convention. I stopped by the PLAID booth to make a necklace with Candie Cooper. My finished necklace from Candie’s Make &…
Greetings from Anaheim, CA! I’m getting ready to head out for a day of meetings in demos but wanted to share with you some pictures from yesterday at CHA (Crafts & Hobbies Association convention). Enjoy! With Kathy Cano-Murillo, at the…
I’m headed out later today to Anaheim, CA for the winter CHA (Crafts & Hobbies assoc.) convention and thought I’d post my event schedule for those of you who might also be attending. Sunday 1/25: 10am-12pm- “Bangles & Beer Cozies”…
The February issue of Kiwi is out, which means another Eco-Craft column! This issue also marks my 2 year anniversary with the magazine. Yay! Grab your copy from stands this week, for the scoop on tons of adorable, eco-friendly baby…
V-day is soon approaching and with another holiday comes another batch of Lifetime’s CRAFTED videos! Check out my quick and easy tutorial on making knitted, mitered hearts–perfect to embellish with or string together to make a LOVEly neck garland! Doesn’t this project…
Happy inauguration day, everyone! I spent my morning commemorating the event by watching CNN coverage and trolling the internet for related crafts. Here are just a handful of what I found. Enjoy! Patriotic Fused Glass Pendant by Glass Elements From Quilts for…
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