Posts Categorized: Knitting/Crochet


Show us your knits!

Hey, ladies (& possibly, gents)! It’s that time again, to put a call out for pictures of FOs for our Knitters Gallery. If you’ve made something from New Knits on the Block, Not Another Teen Knitting Book, a pattern or…


Judy’s Not the Only Fancy Garland!

Like crochet? Looking for summer weather appropriate neckwear? Does the word “garland ” make you feel festive? Well then fantastic, this project’s tailor made just for you! As always, pattern’s are available on my Shop page. Happy hooking! Lily Pad…


Vegas, Baby!

I just got a sample cone of the new Vickie Howell Collection yarn, Vegas. Woo hoo! I’m really excited about this one–it’s so pretty! Vegas is a thick & thin blend of Soysilk & wool with a lurex, metallic thread…


Collars, Vests & Underwear.

Alright, business before pleasure. I finally got the pattern for the crocheted collar I’m wearing in all of the Vickie Howell Collection yarn ads, up in my Shop page. Well actually, I didn’t do crap, the amazing Jenny did. Regardless,…


Oops, I knit it again!

After all of these months, I finally took a look at the Brimster pattern people have been e-mailing me about and realized that I accidentally posted the version that hadn’t been technical edited. Nice. Considering my utter lack of anything…