
Fencing the Issue

I live in what could be called an “up and coming” neighborhood. In 5 years or so, it’ll hopefully be a hub of artists and progressive families–now however, it’s still a wee bit sketchy. My next door neighbor is a…


What a Tease!

I just got a press kit for “TEASE: 50 Inspired T-Shirt Transformations By Superstars of Art, Craft & Design“, a book that I contributed to. I’m so proud–along with fellow Austin Craft Mafia members, Amy Sedaris, Todd Oldham (Oh, how…


Misty Water Colored

I don’t know if you remember me mentioning a couple of months back how I had reconnected (via MySpace)with my teenagehood best guy friend, Karl. He was in business in Vegas while I was there for the CHA convention, so…


If the Shoe Fits

The other day I took my boys to buy us all new “skater shoes”. I grabbed myself a pair of men’s (the women’s shoes were laaaaaame!), black Circa’s with a skull and crossbones (that look vaguely like knitting needles)on each…