Search Results for: crochet


#51 Gretchen Hirsh, Gertie Sews

Gretchen Hirsch on the CRAFT*ish Podcast with Vickie Howell

This week on the show is vintage dress pattern and fabric designer and author of several books including Gertie Sews Jiffy Dresses: A Modern Guide to Stitch and Wear Vintage Patterns You Can Make in a Day.


#50 Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience

Sarah Hays Coomer on the CRAFT*ish podcast with Vickie Howell | #bodyimage #wellness

This week on the show, is a personal trainer, diet abolitionist and author of Physical Disobedience, Sarah Hays Coomer. Vickie and Sarah talk about the challenges of connecting to our body, celebrating our strengths and how appreciation for our physical bodies can be the wildest form of social disobedience.