Search Results for: crochet


Knitster Notes

Hey all.  Hope you’re holiday weekend was cracktastic!  Wait, that doesn’t sound right.  What I mean is, that I hope you had a blast watching fireworks with your friends and family…which in no way should’ve involved actual Crack.  Crack is…


PROJECT: Sari Scrap Bangles

Whether like me, you’re desperately trying to juggle everything while the kids are out for summer (3 weeks down parents, 9 to go!), or if the heat just has you feeling large-project-non-committal–this time of year is perfect for quick, lightweight projects that…


Don’t Faint (aka NEW CRL EPISODE!)

Hey, CRL listeners! Still there? If so, you’re awfully patient…and I dig you for that. We just uploaded the first episode of the 2nd season! This one was impromptu, so not on the original list, but seems apropos since I…


Where’s the love? ;)

Sometimes all of the stars align and this whole working-mom gig goes off without a hitch. Other times,  I find myself a day late and a dollar short on accomplishing anything even close to an ideal amount of tasks.  Preparations…


TNNA Report

I’m back from Columbus and in some sort of weird cosmic shift towards the positive, I didn’t get stuck in the Atlanta airport in EITHER direction of my trip.  But wait, that’s not all!  I also finished a beanie for…