Sweet Succulent Stitches

I may be crafty, but the only thing in the garden I can craft is the certain demise of any foliage that meets my black-thumbed grasp. And yet, I can’t help feel smitten by the promise of Spring and all…
I may be crafty, but the only thing in the garden I can craft is the certain demise of any foliage that meets my black-thumbed grasp. And yet, I can’t help feel smitten by the promise of Spring and all…
Like most busy people, I’m always on the go — and when I go places, I rarely leave without some kind of project to work on whenever the opportunity might present itself. Waiting rooms, grocery store lines, sidelines of kids’ activities;…
Every week on Facebook I stream live video from my home studio (or wherever I happen to be at the time) in a segment I call, “Ask Me Monday”. It’s an opportunity for me to answer questions that viewers have…
Every week I hold a live, video Q & A session on my Facebook page called, Ask Me Monday (10amPT/1pmET). Sometimes I show a technique, often I just talk, and sometimes there’s a theme. Today, I went the latter route….
Hey, all! FYI, I’ve started doing weekly, live videos on Facebook. Every Monday at 10amPT/1pmET I join you, from wherever I am, to chat knitting, crochet, crafts, and creative entrepreneurship– along with an interactive Q & A. I call these…
Trick or Sweet: Crochet Halloween Dress Pattern! As those of you know who watch my “Ask Me Monday” videos on Facebook, a couple of weeks ago I got a wild hair to design a girls’ crocheted dress for Halloween —…
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