Sweet Succulent Stitches

I may be crafty, but the only thing in the garden I can craft is the certain demise of any foliage that meets my black-thumbed grasp. And yet, I can’t help feel smitten by the promise of Spring and all…
I may be crafty, but the only thing in the garden I can craft is the certain demise of any foliage that meets my black-thumbed grasp. And yet, I can’t help feel smitten by the promise of Spring and all…
Like most busy people, I’m always on the go — and when I go places, I rarely leave without some kind of project to work on whenever the opportunity might present itself. Waiting rooms, grocery store lines, sidelines of kids’ activities;…
Every week on Facebook I stream live video from my home studio (or wherever I happen to be at the time) in a segment I call, “Ask Me Monday”. It’s an opportunity for me to answer questions that viewers have…
Hey, all! FYI, I’ve started doing weekly, live videos on Facebook. Every Monday at 10amPT/1pmET I join you, from wherever I am, to chat knitting, crochet, crafts, and creative entrepreneurship– along with an interactive Q & A. I call these…
AwareKnits: Knit & Crochet Projects for the Eco-Conscious Stitcher, is officially out on shelves today–I’m so excited about this book! It’s got tons of handy info on everything from dyeing yarn with beets, to where to recycle your computer, to…
If you asked most people what holiday comes to mind when they think knitting or crochet, Christmas is usually the front runner answer. For me though, Halloween goes head-to-head (or head-to-headless, as it were) with the winter holidays for knitibility–after…
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