Cabled Circular Needle Organizer

Right now in the dead of Winter it may not feel like it, but soon it will be Springtime. What do we all tend to do once the weather warms up (I mean, other than sit on the patio with…
Right now in the dead of Winter it may not feel like it, but soon it will be Springtime. What do we all tend to do once the weather warms up (I mean, other than sit on the patio with…
Every week I hold a live, video Q & A session on my Facebook page called, Ask Me Monday (10amPT/1pmET). Sometimes I show a technique, often I just talk, and sometimes there’s a theme. Today, I went the latter route….
Hey, all! FYI, I’ve started doing weekly, live videos on Facebook. Every Monday at 10amPT/1pmET I join you, from wherever I am, to chat knitting, crochet, crafts, and creative entrepreneurship– along with an interactive Q & A. I call these…
Guide to Yarn Put Ups (aka How yarn’s wound.) Walking through the aisle of your favorite yarn or craft store, you may’ve noticed that the way yarn is wound, packaged and/or displayed varies. The reason may also vary — from…
You already love it: choosing your favorite fiber in colors that speak to you; deciding on a project that expresses your vision; casting on a string of possibilities; working individual stitches which ultimately become something beautiful. If you read this blog, then chances…
We’ve all done it: dropped a stitch while knitting. Depending on how many rows down that slippery, little sucker fell we may or may not feel the dread of the inevitable: unknitting (aka “tinking”) several rows of precious stitching. One…
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