Kick Ass-cot!
Heya! I’ve been toying around with offering free patterns on my site every once in a while, but I don’t really have time right now to pull enough of them together to warrant a full web page (although I promise…
Heya! I’ve been toying around with offering free patterns on my site every once in a while, but I don’t really have time right now to pull enough of them together to warrant a full web page (although I promise…
Heya! Here are a few of my favorite things…just because. Read ItFormer staffers, including editor-in-cheif Angela Matusik of the dearly departed Budget Living Magazine have recently proven that their love of affordable home decor goodness, isn’t only print deep. Enter…
Hey all! Don’t forget to check out Lisa Loeb’s show, #1 Single, on E! at 10pm/9pm CT. Tonight is the episode that I’ll be chillin’ on with Lisa and company. 🙂FYE, here are a couple of pictures from the shoot…
Hey, everyone! It’s Valentines Day and what better way to celebrate than by showing a little love for crochet and OMGURSOHAWT rock bands?! (Bear with me here.)Today, the new issue of Knit.1 Magazine hit the shelves featuring both my Travel…
It’s a rainy morning here in Austin. I was on the way to a 9am Ashtonga class (motivated by how friggin’ fantastic Madonna looks at 47, largely thanks to yoga), but turned around at the last minute, deciding that since…
I just got home from the Crafts & Hobbies Association Convention in Vegas. Besides (or maybe because of ;-))the fact that I will need a cocktail-free month to detox, the trip was great! Fellow ACMer jennifer Perkins and I met…
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