
Linky Town

About Family Crafts September is National Sewing Month! Why not celebrating by making one or more of these easy sewing projects. Aileen’s MusingsHave you heard the term Altered Art or Altered Artist and wondered what exactly that means? Aileen has given…


Bookplate Thanks!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Pop Goes Crochet bookplate giveaway–your signed stickers are on their way, as I type!  I got such a kick out of receiving pictures from some of you holding your copies of the book, that I…


I Love to Create: Fabric Panel Cubbie

I’m always looking for ways to better organize our ever-shrinking house and all of its contents. My most recent mission: Project Find-a-Place-to-Stash-Baby-Toys-In-the-Living Room (admittedly, mission name needs work ;-)).  Whether you’re tucking away toys however, or covering-up craft supplies I’ve found…


I Link I Love You

This week in crafty links!  xo, V. Aileen’s Musings Find out what Formica and Christmas have in common when Aileen shares a great gift idea with you! Check out her tutorial and download a free Vintage soda label while your…