YarnYAY! Maker Business Grant Winners

YarnYAY! Maker Business Grant Winners
The team and I were so overwhelmed and inspired by the participation and applicants for our very first (of what we plan on being many) YarnYAY! 2021 Maker Grant, that we decided that we simply couldn’t stick with our initial plan of having only one winner. (We’re makers, right, so we can be creative with our plans!) That said, we would like to honor makers in three categories: Makers Grant, Runner Up, and Honorable Mention. We’re also using this opportunity to highlight a handful more of small businesses.
Without further ado, we’re thrilled to announce the 2021 YarnYAY! Makers Grant recipients. Read on to meet your maker(s)! 🥳
Having learned about the sustainability movement in college, Cyrina Thomas knew she wanted to contribute. So, in 2020, she joined the Precious Plastic ecosystem, starting Precious Plastic Cincy (Cincinnati) with a vision is to see the world without plastic waste and to reimagine the lifecycle of consumer products.
Since opening their doors, the concept and purpose of Precious Plastic Cincy has evolved to be more than just a workspace. It is a hub for artists and designers to collaborate, an educational opportunity for the next generation and, a working example of circular recycling.
Cyrina and her team at Precious Plastics Cincy will be awarded a $1,000 grant intended to aid her maker-oriented small business, two online mentoring sessions with me and the opportunity to partner with YarnYAY! on a product feature in a specialty or subscription box. Stay tuned to see more of Precious Plastic Cincy!
Learn more about the phenomenal things Cyrina and the rest of the Precious Plastic community is doing with recycled plastics by clicking here or on the video below.

Originally from the Lone Star State, Allison and her family now reside in Southern California where she, a formally trained artist + art education specialist, enjoys the warm fuzzy goodness that is fiber art.
Stichery & Co. will receive two free mentoring sessions with Vickie, as well as assistance with a product development opportunity for a future YarnYAY! box.
Dina Rudeen’s small business, Hola Luna began as a labor of love in early 2017 when her lifelong penchant for creating things with her hands coalesced with a growing disinterest in buying mass produced items that have a toxic effect not only on the environment but our minds as well.
Hola Luna will receive two free mentoring sessions with Vickie and the opportunity to promote her jewelry on Vickie’s social media.
Here’s a glimpse at some of the other makers we met during this process – please take a few and go check out their websites.
- GoodeWeavings: https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoodeWeavings
- UntangledYarn: Www.Untangledyarn.com
- Lowlander Yarns: www.lowlanderyarnstudio.com
- Imaginarium Wonder Emporium: https://imaginariumwonderemporium.weebly.com/
- Jaimee Makes: www.jaimeemakes.com
- Knitting & Yoga Adventures: www.peacetreefiberadventures.com
- Transcend Fiber Studio: www.transcendfiberstudio.com
- Katie Campbell Illustration: https://www.katieillustrates.com/
- Origin Threadcraft: https://www.originthreadcraft.com/
- PanFran Knit Co: www.panfranknitco.com