
Super-Chunky Hooded Cowl

Vickie Howell for Cloverhooded cowl 1


No longer am I sitting in my Austin, Texas house sweating, while working with my beloved bulky-weight fibers. Why, you ask? Because it’s FINALLY cold enough outside to sport super chunky knits. Oh, the glory!  Thankfully, just in time for Winter my friends at Clover sent me their latest installment of the Takumi Bamboo collection: Size U.S. 19 circular needles. Thanks to the pointy tips and signature slick finish of the set, I was able to whip out a cool (or rather, really warm) project in no time. My Super Chunky Hooded Cowl is large in scale, but require relatively little time to knit. That means that even if you live in a climate as I do –where the chilly days are numbered — there’s plenty of time to make and wear this piece. Here’s how!

Super Chunky Hooded Cowl


Approx. 330 (360) yds total of Super Bulky Yarn in colors: 1 (2) Balls A, 1 Ball B, and  1 Ball C. I used this.

Size U.S. 19 (15 mm), 29″ (74 cm) Takumi Bamboo Circular Needle

Additional Size U.S. 19 Needle

Clover Large Eye Tapestry Needle

Leather Cording


Finished Size(s)

Women’s S/M (L/XL)


Finished Measurements

22″(25.5″)/56 cm (65 cm) Tall

40(43″)/101.5 cm (109 cm): Circumference


6 sts x 7 rows = 4″/10 cm in Stockinette Stitch



With A, CO 60 (62) sts. Join rnd, taking care not to twist.

Rnds 1 & 3:  *K1, p1; rep frpm * around.

Rnd 2: *P1, k1; rep from * around.

Rnds 4-6: Knit.

Join B.

Rnd 7:  *With B K1, with A K1; rep from * around.

Cut B.

Rnd 8: With A, knit.

Join C when appropriate.

Rnd 9: *With A k1, with C k1; rep from * around.

Cut C.

Rnds 10-14: With A, knit.

Cut A; join B.

Rnds  15 & 17: With B, knit.

Join C; carry B.

Rnds 16 & 18: With C, knit.

Cut B & C; join A.

Rnd 19: With A, knit decreasing 4 sts evenly around. –56 (58) sts.

Rnd 20: [K1, p1] 11 times, BO 4, *p1, k1; rep from * to end of rnd, then CONTINUE around to beginning point of BOs. This will now be the end of a RS row. — 52 (56) sts.

Note: From here on you’ll work back and forth in rows.

Row 21: K1, p2tog, k2tog, *p1, k1; rep from * to last 5 sts, p2tog, k2tog, p1. — 48 (50) sts.


hoodedcowl 3



Cut A, Join B.

Row 1 (RS): With B, k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. –46 (48) sts.

Rows 2 & 4: K2, p to last 2 sts, k2.

Row 3 : Knit.

Cut B; join C.

Rows 5 & 7: With C, knit.

Rows 6 & 8: K2, p to last 2 sts, k2.

Cut C; join B.

Rows 9 & 11: With B, knit.

Rows 10 & 12:  K2, p to last 2 sts, k2.

Cut B; join C.

Rows 13-16: Rep Rows 5-8.

Cut C; join A.

Rows 17 & 19: With A, knit.

Rows 18 & 20: K2, p to last 2 sts, k2.

Cut A; join B.

Rnds 21-24: Rep Rows 9-12.

Larger Size only: With B, work 2 additional rows in established pattern.

Do not bind-off.


Flip piece inside out. Split sts evenly in half on circ cord. With RS together and holding the 2 needles parallel, introduce a 3rd needle and BO using the 3-Needle BO method. You can see the method demonstrated in this Ask Me Monday video.

Weave in ends.

Flip piece RS out; weave leather cording over and under the 1st row of ribbing before bind-offs.

Wear and stay cozy.


hooded cowl 2







One Response to “Super-Chunky Hooded Cowl”

  1. Latrice

    Buna ziua,Puteti face mezoterapie cu aparat ,metoda prin elmerrodeteoporatic, prin care cu ajutorul unei piese de mana sunt introdusi in tegument agenti de hidratare, detoxifiere, vitamine , minerale etc, in functie de patalogia fiecarei persoane . Pentru mai multe detalii, va asteptam la clinica.O zi buna,Dr. Florin Juravle