So KniTORIous
I don’t know what strange universe I’m living in that allows me to do the most random things all in the name of knitting but, I’m not going to question it–I’m just along for the ride! Last week I got to have dinner with a rock star family, build stuff with amazing women, have lunch with Superman’s mom and stroll the grounds of Donna Martin’s new venture.
I’m still a wee bit tired and behind on work from our post-elopement reception last weekend (which was AWESOME, btw–more later), so I’ll be brief and just share a few pictures…

With Annette O’Toole at Los Angeles restaurant

With Dean McDermott & Tori Spelling at their B&B, Chateaus LaRue

Crew sets up for Knitty Gritty Special/Tori & Dean shoot

Tori & Dean both working on their squares for the DIY Warm Up America blanket

Now, back to my regularly scheduled life.
can i live in your alternate universe for awhile?!?!?
I just adore Tori Spelling! Can’t wait to see the show with her and knitting! What a joy!
hmmmmm…. when i knit i just get hand cramps 😛
billie joe looks so manly with a lil’ stubble!
Can I be you for a day?
::::sigh:::: what a cool life you have……..
Can’t wait to hear about how the reception went : )
Sound like a wonderful ride and a great time. Now I do like the lounge pic but what shame the others didn’t show up. Have a great Fourth of July!
Isn’t it great when the things we love to do takes us places!!
Sounds like fun. Not sure if it is just me but not of the pics appeared on the blog post
Sorry folks, I think Blogger was having an issue. I re-uploaded.
I luved today’s DIY show on charity knitting….please tell me I can find the pattern for the beautiful shoulder poncho yu were wearing!!!!!
Oh how cool, Tori Spelling is awsome. I can’t WAIT to see the show taping. My husband and I have talked about going to the “La Rue” this year for our wedding anniversary! Only arrangements needed now are reservations LOL.
I am currently knitting a tank for my daughter out of Rock and might I say…It ROCKS! I LOVE that yarn. It is sooooooo nice to work with, smooth, soft and not to much sheen. I can’t wait to see how it wears. keep up the good work and awsome colors.
Well that explains why I was stood up at the “peach pit” by Donna. I was going to meet her there to talk about organizing a community KNIT a thon to raise funds to pay for Dylan’s rehab. He was a crazy out of control drunk at Brenda’s party last week. I knew Donna was not talking to David, but I thought she could atleast get Brandon, Kelly and Andrea to help with. I hoped Steve might get on board as well (inbetween dancing with the stars).
I also hoped Donna might talk to Steve and through him get David to DJ at the KNIT a thon despite not speaking. I just hope Valerie does not get word and screw everything up.
How cool! BTW, what do the words on your tattoo mean?
Looks like you had a great time. Who knew there were so many cool knitters out there!
Miriam–I don’t remember what I was wearing on that show but it *might* have been the Oh Scrap Wrap, which is a free pattern on this blog. Just take a gander at the left hand column.
DebbieKnitter–Yay, that ROCK rocks! Please make sure and send an FO pic!
Dave–That comment was both hilarious and frightening.
SusanC- “Mo Chuisle” literally translates to “my pulse”, but in Gaelic is the equivalent to “My Darling” or “My love”. My husband has a matching one on his forearm. Shhhhh, though. I didn’t tell the network I got another one. 😉
Very cool. Thanks for answering! :o)
Hey, i like your tattoo! Do you read Diana Gabaldon??? I read the expression “mo chuisle” in one of her books…