
Knitty Gritty Dish

The underground railroad that is the Austin Craft Mafia’s preferred method of communication (very similar to a game of telephone, except with texts), got word to me last night that Knitty Gritty was going to be mentioned on the Style…


A cardigan to LOVE!

Knitty Gritty guest (Kitchen Couture episode), project bag princess and fellow knitrepreneur Jordnana Paige, released a pattern this week for a killer cardi using the Vickie Howell Collection’s LOVE!  Get yer yarn and download the instructions now, and you’ll have…


Beet-le Juice

Is it weird that looking at this stack of yarn cakes, makes me really happy? From top to bottom, these were dyed with: coffee, roses, beets and tumeric. Those of you who followed me on Twitter (or paid attention to…