Creepy kids kinda freak me out so a movie called, “The Children“ featuring possessed, murderous tots, is not my idea of a good time. Alas however, marriage is sometimes about compromise so when it was my husband’s turn to pick the movie I bucked up, ignored my uneasiness and focused on the knitwear.
Striped Earflap Hat & Scarf
Recommended Stitching:
Flower Cap, by Midnight Knitter
Chemo Earflap Hat, by SweetP Knits
Happy viewing; happy stitching!
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All screenshots taken by Vickie Howell.
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Meet Vickie
Vickie Howell is an on-air host, designer, author, entrepreneur & community builder in the D.I.Y. genre. Read more here.
You know what movie with kids freaks me out, Pet Cemetery 2. When that kid Gage is under the bed with the scalpel and cuts that guys Achilles tendon – eeek.