My husband and I saw a dinner showing of 2008’s Doubt on Christmas Eve which in hindsight seems a wee bit blasphemous but apparently, that’s how we roll. I’d pretty much watch Meryl Streep (and Philip Seymour Hoffman, for that matter) read the phone book so the fact that this movie was compelling and brilliantly acted was just the icing on the cake. The cherry, on the icing on the cake however, is that Ms. Streep is also a knitter (as is her daughter, Mamie Gruber). Too. Much. Goodness. In. One. Place.
“Sister Aloysius Beauvier”, wearing a Seed Stitch Wrap.
Suggested Stitching:
Happy viewing; happy stitching!
See more Movie Monday posts here.
All screenshots are taken by Vickie Howell. 2009
Meet Vickie
Vickie Howell is an on-air host, designer, author, entrepreneur & community builder in the D.I.Y. genre. Read more here.