Local Yarn Shop Day 2023
Local Yarn Store Day (LYS Day) is designed to drive traffic to local yarn stores. LYS Day has brought thousands of ‘yarnies’ from across the US and Canada to go to their local shops to see the exclusive, unique products created specifically for LYS Day. Think of it as an international Yarn Crawl! Team YarnYAY! wants you to go out and support your local yarn community, so we’ve made a list of our favorite LYS near and dear to us.
Team Yay’s Favorite Local Yarn Stores:

“I’ve traveled to yarn stores all around the nation, and my favorite is still my hometown shop in Austin, Hill Country Weavers. I also, though, love Nina Chicago, Knitty City in NYC, The Little Knittery in Los Angeles, and Jimmy Beans Wool in Reno!”

Julia (Design Manager/Tech Editor):

Chris (Ops Manager/Design):