I Love to Create: Quick Toy Refresh Decals
I’ve recently been turned on to buying toys from thrift stores. In the past, this was I practice I admittedly turned my nose up at–I mean, I’ve been buying second-hand clothes and housewares for myself since high school, but for some reason used toys for my babies made me sad. I realized though, that it was only if the toys looked overly tired that it bothered me.
- Create a decal pattern by laying a piece of paper over area of toy where torn sticker is; use a pencil trace the needed shape. Cut out paper pattern.

- Trace around pattern onto oil cloth or vinyl; cut out to create decal.
- In a well-ventilated area, spray back of decal with Fast-Grab Tacky Spray; press piece in place on toy.
- Since most stickers on toys go in indented areas, it’s likely that the decal will not fit perfectly in its new home. To fix this, take a craft knife and trim off excess.
- Repeat process for as many decals as desired.
I don’t have children, but this is a wonderfully crafty idea to make toys even cuter and personalized. Love it!!!
Thanks for the great idea. I have a friend who retired from teaching to take care of her grand kids, as I am now doing.
She has given me a ton of baby toys and they are marked up and have torn stickers and now I can make them new again for my grandbaby.
Thanks again,
Better than the original!! Excellent idea, and quick, too!
Oh wow nice information!! Cheers.
such a great idea. and how about that magic eraser? that thing is a workhorse!