I-cord How-to Video!
I-cord may possibly have the lamest name ever (stands for idiot cord, apparently because anyone can do it) but the technique itself is both easy & super versatile. Here’s how!
I-cord may possibly have the lamest name ever (stands for idiot cord, apparently because anyone can do it) but the technique itself is both easy & super versatile. Here’s how!
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I would have loved to have found this video back when I was first needing to learn to do i-cord. It’s simple as well as quality filming. I’m sure it will be most helpful to many! 🙂
Thank you! I, too, have wanted to see it rather than just read about it, and you’ve done it really clearly. Thanks!!
Vickie – this is great! I love the video for it’s clarity and quality. Most of all, it is such a joy to see and hear from you again in video format, teaching knitting. I enjoy learning or relearning about needlearts, and I really enjoy you! Thanks for a great addition (I have really been missing Knitty Gritty and this helps).
Maybe we could stop calling it “idiot” and just imagine that it is shaped like the letter “i” ?
I’ve never liked the name “idiot cord” — I always called it spool knitting (how I first learned to do it) , even when done on DPNs.
I don’t want to be all PC, but in my state they just THIS YEAR rescinded a law that said that idiots were not allowed to vote, idiot being the previous term for the mentally incapacitated.
I always wondered what the I stood for. I should be able to do this, lol.
Miss Knitty Gritty too!
Hope DIY gets there act together…
Is there any hope they’ll do more episodes?
hablo solo español pero puedo decir thanks, thanks and thanks you