Howdy! Just a quick greeting from the convention floor of Stitches West, in Santa Clara California. More to come once I get back to TX.
Happy Knitting!
4 Responses to “Hiya from Stitches West!”
Meet Vickie
Vickie Howell is an on-air host, designer, author, entrepreneur & community builder in the D.I.Y. genre. Read more here.
Hi, I’m the one who stopped you while you were walking and drinking at Stitches. Sorry for babbling at you, Vickie. I saw you and wanted to say hi but then I realized that I didn’t have much else to say. 🙂
Nice fun picture. Happy Knitting!
Nice picture.
Vicky Love your show and it is nice seeing you having time for yourself. I miss your show DIY took you out of the loop, I am a disabled mom and my knitting has gotten so much better thanks to you I am a watch and do person than a read and do. Diy really messed up by breaking the craft line up, now I am stuck. I would love to see you do more summer tops, you do so many wonderful things, I miss the vivacious person who teaches, you always added sunshine into my days. Miss your show hopefully my inquiry’s to DIY will bring you back. Thanks for bringing me into the world of knitting….Colleen