
Happy 2007!

Happy 2007, everyone! I hope you all had a nice holiday. Things were good here. We drove to Dallas to visit the BF’s mom and sister and then home to pick up my mom from the airport. The kids had a great time over Christmas and their respective birthday parties–it’s toy-palooza here! My favorite of their presents is the junior drum kit and mini Fender Strat that Santa brought them. This is them at their first “band practice.” Little rock stars in the making–bestill my heart! 😉

Last Thursday there was a big ol’ article about me on the front page of the Life & Style section of the Austin-American Statesman.

The cool thing about it was that it was written by the same reporter, Denise Gamino, who did the very first article ever on me when I started an Austin Stitch ‘n Bitch group–way before Knitty Gritty. Kinda cool. Anyway, I really appreciate her support! If you’re interested, read it here.

I spent New Years Eve with almost all of the Stylelicious girls. Hope and Karly (who live in the same duplex) had a party that was packed with people. Jen A. was home with her son Yoshi but besides myself, Jesse, Susann, Tina, and Jennifer P. were all there. It’s really rare that we all get to see each other at the same time, which made an already hoppin’ party an extra special treat for us!

Hey, speaking of Jennifer, as of today her show Craft Lab joins Knitty Gritty, Uncommon Threads, Creative Juice and B. Original on HGTV. Set your Tivo’s for 9am daily to watch her!

Don’t forget though, that different episodes of all of the aforementioned craft shows still air on DIY, every morning!
On the knitting/crochet front, this post is really just me procrastinating on projects for 5 deadlines over the next week and a half. I finished a market bag for a future issue of Knit.1 and sent off the pattern today. Also today, I need to make I-pod and Nano cozies for an issue of Creative Knitting. That won’t take long though, once I actually get started. I promised Jonelle from SWTC that I’d finally start the runway project(s) for CHA (Craft & Hobby convention later this month) tomorrow-ish. The problem with working from home,and specifically, from my kitchen, is that I get distracted from work by things like the Christmas tree needing to get taken down and the house being a mess. Even if I just enclose the car port, I really need to get some studio space this year.
Oh, I almost forgot, Knitty Gritty Knits is now officially on shelves!
It’s jam packed with tons of how-to info and projects from the first 3 seasons of Knitty Gritty. Check it out at your local book store or get it on-line here. I’ll be updating the events calendar with tour dates/places as I get them.
Ok, enough babbling. Off to work!

6 Responses to “Happy 2007!”

  1. Teenuh

    Congrats on the Statesman article. That is a great read!

    I am completely envious of your life in Austin (I grew up there, I left because I met a boy that lived in CA) and crafting for a living!!

    Congrats also on your new book being on shelves! I have some Christmas knitting book returns to make so I can glady exchange the frumpy knitting books I got for your new book! Hooray! 🙂

  2. HoJo

    Hey Vickie:
    We’re so looking forward to your trip here at the end of the month. Just a quick note: You’re seeing us on the 31st not the 30th as on your calendar. Jonelle sent me some Craft. I’m crafting a hat/fingerless glove combo, I hope you like. See you soon.

  3. Micky

    I am really behind in the times.
    I left a comment with HGTV. I have done this before too, but in reading your archives, I did it again.
    And I just linked your blog onto mine.
    Life just gets busy and you don’t have time to read everyone you want.
    Happy New Year!

  4. jennifer

    congrats on the article and i just love that chair in the pic – very cool! your kids are total cuties!
    : )