CRL: Dia De Los Crafty!
Happy November. Happy Dia De Los Muertos. Most of all, Happy CRL debut day!
Ahem. I’m thrilled to announce that the very first episode of my podcast is now available for your listening pleasure. It can be found this very second, here on my site (just click n the “Listen Now” icon) or later today through iTunes. Here’s the scoop on episode 1, Dia De Los Crafty:

Topic: Fall and winter are hard core craft seasons. That’s right, hard core. Vickie and Kathy discuss gift-making, cultural craft traditions and putting a little hand-made into your holidays. Kathy also fills us in with her brand spankin’ new line of craft products!
Format: Interview with the Crafty Chica herself, T3 segment (This episode’s segment offers gift ideas for the creative people in your lives) and the Ramblings segment (thoughts and suggestions for holiday, crafty inspiration).
Special thanks to Dave Campbell & J.P. Chapman for writing the CRL theme song, Todd Kegley for his mad engineering skills, Jenny Medford for bring CRL to the web and making the page look pretty, and all of you who have and continue to spread the word about my little ol’ podcast. I really appreciate it!
Hope you enjoy it!
Love the show!!! The theme song is rockin’.
beth 🙂
I am so LOVING your show! I’m listening to it as I type! It’s great!
I heard you mention the term “Pay It Forward” regarding gift giving. Are you aware of the Pay It Forward Exchange that is growing like wildfire on the web?!
Your show, like you, so ROCKS!
CRL is already a favorite podcast of mine. Between the spectacular production, music, guests, and topics, I think you’re going to be offering exactly what people are looking for.
I’ve listened twice now, and am pleased to say that the wait was well worth the prize of listening to you and Kathy gab.
Is there a link so I can download it? I download them all and listen to them while I dye!
Wow Brianna, can I use that as a testimonial? That’s so nice!
Scout: If you click on the CRL text, it’ll take you to the page, or you can go directly to, OR you can go to iTunes. The direct iTunes link is:
Thank you, thank you Beth and Becka! I totally appreciate hearing that. xo, Vic
Great show Vickie…cool to put a voice to the face too…can’t wait for the next one!
I’d be more than happy for you to use the comment as a testimonial. 🙂
I listened to the podcast this afternoon when my kids weren’t home and the house was quiet. I really enjoyed it!
I’m having trouble finding it on iTunes, what should I look under on the search page?
Can’t wait to hear it! 🙂
Great podcast Vicki! I really enjoyed listening:) Can’t wait for the next one:) You rock girl!
Is there a way to download the podcast as a file to your computer? I’d like to listen to it on my portable mp3 player but I don’t have iTunes installed. (And I won’t.)
Also, is there an RSS feed for the podcast?
You can ignore my last comment, it was there this morning yay!
fluffyknitter & phoenix–I’m so glad you liked it!
Talvi–Will listening from my website work for you? It doesn’t involve itunes:
That was by far the best drive to school that I’ve ever had! I can’t wait for the next episode!
Talvi, if you want to save the file, try right clicking the link and choose “Save As” it should give you an option to save it somewhere on your computer.
I am no longer a podcast virgin – the whole thing was terrific and I have subscribed – makes commuting much more interesting
Loved the podcast! You have a great interviewing style and I appreciated you letting your guest talk uninterupted. Best of Luck!
I’d also like to save the podcast without using iTunes. Right-clicking the link doesn’t work because it links to a javascript to play it right away. And I tried was I thought looked like an RSS feed (, but it didn’t work for me either.
loved the podcast, got me thinking about all the crafty christmas ideas I can make.
I enjoyed your site so much I hope you don’t mind but I found your link and added to my blog.
The feed address is:
(you had left out the “e” in Vickie)
If you go to that link, you can listen straight away, or right-click on the link to save the mp3 to your desktop.
Thanks– you really *are* websy. 🙂
Just finished listening to the first podcast! I’m so happy I bought an mp3 player so I can listen to things like this now at work! 😉