
Craft Corps Giveaway Day 4: Carol Duvall’s Book!


Geri Gilbert!!

Please e-mail your snail mail address to: contests@vickiehowell.com within the next week to receive your prize. Congratulations!

Name: Carol Duvall

Gig(s): HGTV’s The Carol Duvall Show

Excerpt Craft Corps (Chapter 5):

VH: What have changes have you seen in the craft industry over the years?

CD: If I had to say it in one word, it would be growth. When I was first doing my craftg shows in the early 60’s, my main materials were milk cartons, bleach bottles, egg cartons, etc. This was not just by choice, but necessity. There were only two craft stores in all of Detroit that I knew of, and their staples were things like Styrofoam balls, chenille stems, bump chenille, and sequins–lots of sequins. The incredible growth in the amount of tools and materials available has made it possible for almost anyone who has the desire to craft to make things that are truly items to be proud of. It used to be that if folks thought they were not artistic, they couldn’t craft. That’s not the case anymore.

Today’s Giveaway: Signed Copy of Paper Crafting with Carol Duvall”


How to Win:
POST A COMMENT HERE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS (BY 8AM ON TOMORROW). Poster’s will be chosen via drawing at random.

Please be sure to include your real name (not just your screen name) on your post. Winners will be posted on this blog every few days with instructions on getting me your mailing address. Prizes unclaimed will be put up for grabs at the end of the Craft Corps Give-Away-A-Day in May.

Craft Corps: Celebrating the Creative Community One Story at a Time hits shelves May 4th. Be one of the 1st to get a copy by ordering today from BN.com!

Don’t forget to share your story on the Craft Corps website and become a Craft Corps fan on Facebook--fans will be eligible for additional prizes throughout the next month!


Psst! Come back tomorrow for a giveaway from collage artist, Claudine Hellmuth!

69 Responses to “Craft Corps Giveaway Day 4: Carol Duvall’s Book!”

  1. Kath Baer

    I so miss Carol on TV!! I loved her show so much! She got me into so many other kinds of crafting! It’s all her fault! LOL I love these little peaks into things via facebook.

  2. desertgypsy

    I miss Carol so much. I sure wish she would come back. Crafting is not the same without her. Carol is the Craft Goddess. Sure hope I win. I already have a copy but want one for a friend. Thanks for the chance.

  3. Eliza Doolittle

    I love Carol Duvall! Her energy level gets you excited about crafts you never thought of doing, and she breaks crafts down into steps so anyone can do them! She has terrific guests on her show, and always seems to ask the questions I’m thinking of. So jealous you got to meet her, Vicki!

  4. Lynne

    I love all the neat craft ideas Carol gives and have used many of them. I sure miss her show!

  5. biscuit1

    Wish they would bring back The Carol Duvall Show. I’m looking forward to check out her book. Linda Earley

  6. macsmom

    So great to see anything about Carol Duvall! Her show made all crafters feel special. She treated amateurs and professionals with the same warmth and respect. Loved the Christmas shows especially!

  7. Kysha Plante

    I really miss the old craft shows. It was such a treat to go to my grandma’s house on saturdays and watch Aleene and Carol on TNN. We didn’t have cable and PBS only had Bob Ross, also an awesome show.I then started watching Carol on HGTV. I still DVR Stylicious and Nitty Gritty and Craft Lab when they come on at 4am.


  8. Rebekah

    I love crafting, especially with paper. I’m definitely going to check out her TV shows :] Rebekah Zink

  9. Miz

    I’ve seen Carol on tv for years and have enjoyed her take on all things crafty.

    Laura Medeiros

  10. Terri H.

    I used to love to watch her!! I got a lot of great ideas from her shows!! Loved the shoebox!!

  11. Bonney

    I would love to see re-runs of her show. That was a real quality show and so informative. I miss her.

  12. Ferg

    We sure miss Carol…… my little crafty daughter would rather watch her that the Disney Channel! 🙂

  13. Tara

    I love watching Carol’s show on cable. I have to go to my aunts house to watch it since I don’t have cable. It’s worth the trip.

  14. Gigi

    I too loved watching Carol, along with my Mom and sister. Boy, she’s right when she said there weren’t a lot of crafting stuff when she started. Remember taking “road trips” just to go to Lee Wards which was about 50 miles away. Now, I get my pick of which store to go to. Want to do more with my granddaughters and start involving them in the joy of crafts.

    Geri Gilbert

  15. BearyAnn

    I miss watching Carol and also Vickie on TV. I’d get great ideas watching while doing my own craft projects. I even learned how to teach craft skills to those around by your excellent examples. I am happy to have the internet to keep the craft movement going strong.

  16. halomom

    I love watching video clips of Carol Duvall online. She has so much fun when she’s crafting. If she glues her fingers together or spills glitter all over the floor, I know she’s just keeping it real! I can’t wait to get her latest book.

  17. Kim Mayhew

    I used to love watching her show and got so many great ideas! This is soooo cool!

  18. June

    I can’t tell you how many mornings I had my coffee watching Carol Duvall. My husband labelled it the – “Carol and Me” hour. I still think of her as a ‘friend’ and am delighted whenever she is on TV….. I would love to have her book….
    Thank you.
    June Rhodes
    Franklinville, NC