
Craft Corps Giveaway Day 24: Craftster Ceramic Skull & Scissor Necklace!


Sondra Casario!

Please e-mail your snail mail address to: within the next week to receive your prize. Congratulations!

Name: Leah Kramer

Gig(s): Founder of

Excerpt from Craft Corps (Chapter 8):

VH: Do you think that people’s conception when you say, ‘I’m making a living as an artist’ versus, ‘I’m making my living as a crafter’? I’ve been talking a lot with the people I’m interviewing about the difference between the words art and craft. I wonder if the stigma of one word over the other affects how people respond to what you’re doing [running a craft-based website].
LK: Good question. I know there are probably a lot of people who think of crafts as a superfluous, useless part of life. People are used to going to craft fairs and seeing little dishtowels with crocheted tops, and the little scrubbies that the older ladies make. They’re cute, and they’re good little gifty items, but they’re not important to society; whereas, people perceive art as something that is more important.

The fact of the matter is: people love to incorporate fun, unique, one-of-a-kind things into their lives, and crafting is a way you can affordably buy something really unique that makes you happy. Hopefully people’s perceptions have changed, but I do see what you’re saying–people who aren’t fully entrenched in it don’t understand that it’s like tiny little wearable pieces of art. Hopefully that’s changing more and more, especially as sites like Etsy are on the tips of everyone’s tongues these days.”

How to Win:

POST A COMMENT HERE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS (BY 8AM CT ON TOMORROW). Poster’s will be chosen via drawing at random.


Please be sure to include your real, FULL name (not just your screen name) on your post. Winners will be posted on this blog every few days with instructions on getting me your mailing address. Prizes unclaimed will be put up for grabs at the end of the Craft Corps Give-Away-A-Day in May.

Watch the Book Trailer!

Craft Corps: Celebrating the Creative Community One Story at a Time hits shelves May 4th. Be one of the 1st to get a copy by ordering today from!

Don’t forget to share your story on the Craft Corps website and become a Craft Corps fan on Facebook--fans will be eligible for additional prizes!

Psst! Come back tomorrow for a giveaway from paper craft guru, Sandi Genovese!

86 Responses to “Craft Corps Giveaway Day 24: Craftster Ceramic Skull & Scissor Necklace!”

  1. vandahlen

    please let me win the skull! i need to match my baby who is wearing handmade stuff with skulls every day! 😉

  2. aaameg

    Love the necklace! I may have to purchase it even if I don’t win 🙂

    – Meaghan Brander

  3. Heather

    I absolutely love that necklace, I have always loved things with skulls and then incorporating the scissors in with it make is so extra cool!!!

  4. Breezy

    OMG–I need this. I have 2 friends who both gave me “Knit Till You Die” buttons with skulls and crossbones, and I’ve knitted three garmetns with skull and crossbone buttons. I’m a hardcore crafter, and this is my favorite giveaway you’ve had so far. I love it. Bree Gordon

  5. Brenda Price

    To vandahlen: Where are you getting the baby stuff with skulls? I have a daughter due in August and would love a skull and cross bones onsie for her!

  6. Jenny

    this necklace has lots of spunk, i would be thrilled to wear it!
    Jenny Rekeweg

  7. Autumn Powless

    Autumn Powless, That is the cutest stinkin” necklace ever!!!! Kudos!!!!

  8. CMEH

    I am obsessed with craftster and would love this!
    Thanks for the great interview

  9. Emily Glink

    Thank you for giving us Love love love it!!

  10. Laura Steinberg

    Great question, Vicki. I have often asked myself the same thing, especially when trying to market goods. I think that “craft” does carry a certain stereotype, although I do believe it is starting to change. “Art” carries it’s own stereotype as well.
    I love the skull and scissors pendant! Perfect for a ‘Queen Crossbones’ like myself!