Craft Corps Giveaway Day 14: Signed Book & Jewelry Piece from Jennifer Perkins!
Genelle Voss!
Please e-mail your snail mail address to: within the next week to receive your prize. Congratulations!
Excerpt from Craft Corps (Chapter 6):
“VH: Where did your very distinct kitschy, vintage-inspired style come from?
JP: I have had weird taste since I was a kid. When I was in 4th grade, I would wear a derby to school. I had two pairs of pajamas with giant neon numbers on them, because I thought I was Boy George in my color-by-numbers outfits. There was never any jewelry that I wanted to buy, so I just got into making my own. I would always go to flea markets and thrift stores and stuff with my parents. I was always buying weird things as a kid, and making them into something different, and I think that has transferred over into my jewelry. Nothing is safe around me if it sits still long enough–I’ll end up looking at it somehow. Right now, I’m sitting here looking at the Fisher-Price apple, thinking it’s big, but it could be a necklace.
VH: I’ve personally had to tell you to step away from a tea saucer–it’s too big for a charm!
JP: I’m thinking that if Favor Flav has necklaces that are bigger than that, then why can’t I wear that dinky apple?
VH: I’m going to sit you down with Flavor Flav for 30 minutes and not say a word, and you will know exactly why.“
How to Win:
POST A COMMENT HERE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS (BY 8AM ON TOMORROW). Poster’s will be chosen via drawing at random.
Please be sure to include your real name (not just your screen name) on your post. Winners will be posted on this blog every few days with instructions on getting me your mailing address. Prizes unclaimed will be put up for grabs at the end of the Craft Corps Give-Away-A-Day in May.
Craft Corps: Celebrating the Creative Community One Story at a Time hits shelves May 4th. Be one of the 1st to get a copy by ordering today from!
Don’t forget to share your story on the Craft Corps website and become a Craft Corps fan on Facebook--fans will be eligible for additional prizes!
Psst! Come back tomorrow for a giveaway from Fabric Designer, Amy Butler!
Oh my gosh! What a fantastic giveaway! I’ve been following Ms. Perkin’s work forever. Love her sense of humor! -Esti
Oh this is awesome! Great give away!
Great giveaway!!
What a fun book – and loved the interview
Yay! Love her.
Amanda Kattner
Would love it! Love the creative jewelry:)
earlier today i was lamenting to my 3 dachshunds that i missed seeing “craft lab” on tv. this book would sure help me when i need a crafty fix. thanks to you and jennifer!
Great blog and the jewelry!! Love everything on naughty secretary!!
Genelle Voss
Love, love, love the necklace!
Janice Ogata
I love Jennifer’s stuff!
OMG! I am SO in love with Jennifer’s jewelry!!!! I drool on her website practically every single day!!!
Erin Dolezal
Too much fun!
Yay! I love Jennifer Perkins! She’s so original!
OMG! I am SO in love with Jennifer’s jewelry!! I drool on her website practically every day!!
Erin Dolezal
awesome jewerly to win, thanks for the chance
colleen martineau
My daughter would love this book!
Linda Wilkes
what a awesome book & totally cool jewelry!
What a great giveaway. I love making my own stuff and my 12 year old daughter, too.
Heike Kytlica
Awesome giveaway! I love the stuff she creates!
I LOVE Jennifer’s site and would love to have the book!
Thanks again Vickie for the chance to win a very cool book! Sue Bates