
Craft Corps Giveaway Day 13: The Creative Family from Amanda Soule


Sally Harding!

Please e-mail your snail mail address to: contests@vickiehowell.com within the next week to receive your prize. Congratulations!

Name: Amanda Soule

Gig(s): Founder of SouleMama.com

Excerpt from Craft Corps (Chapter 27):

VH: Something I haven’t really focused on much in this book, but would like to, concerns family as community. You nurture the crafty aspect of that on your blog and your book, The Creative Family. What does family as community mean to you, and how can crafting together as a family strengthen that union?

AS: Crafting is definitely a foundation of our family and how we spend time together. WHen you create a space in which everybody is able to create together–in a way that is not overly structured, so that it’s very open–I believe our true selves shine. It’s not a task or a job; it’s just who we are. It allows us to see each other in a unique way. Crafting together is pretty amazing because it nurtures our relationships.”

Today’s Giveaway: Signed Copies of The Creative Family and Handmade Home


How to Win:

POST A COMMENT HERE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS (BY 8AM ON TOMORROW). Poster’s will be chosen via drawing at random.


Please be sure to include your real name (not just your screen name) on your post. Winners will be posted on this blog every few days with instructions on getting me your mailing address. Prizes unclaimed will be put up for grabs at the end of the Craft Corps Give-Away-A-Day in May.

Craft Corps: Celebrating the Creative Community One Story at a Time hits shelves May 4th. Be one of the 1st to get a copy by ordering today from BN.com!

Don’t forget to share your story on the Craft Corps website and become a Craft Corps fan on Facebook--fans will be eligible for additional prizes!

Psst! Come back tomorrow for a giveaway Jewelry Designer & TV Host, Jennifer Perkins!

158 Responses to “Craft Corps Giveaway Day 13: The Creative Family from Amanda Soule”

  1. CraftyKatt

    oh it would be so amazing to win this one! I have six young niees and nephews that I see as often as I can, this would be great for babysitting 😀

  2. winslowwoman

    I would so love these books, I am very heavy into re-purposing right now!! These would be a blessing to use!!
    Genelle Voss

  3. Vidette

    What a cool book. I’ve been trying to find things to do with my kids, this would be great. Thanks for the chance.

  4. Anonymous

    I love your site and would love to have this book.
    Yvonne Chambers

  5. Thomasa

    I would love to get my hands on The Crafty Family since they have yet to get it at my local library.

  6. Sara

    I love crafting with my kids! We would definitely put those books to good use. 🙂

  7. Ellen

    I’ve been a fan of Amanda’s blog for a while now. My friend’s daughter is a multi-crafting mama of a toddler and I would love to win and give Amanda’s book to her. Perfect for Mother’s Day, don’t you think?

  8. Vonnie Sandlan

    I would absolutely love this! I’ve long been a fan of Amanda’s as another mum-of-4. She’s an inspiration and a joy 🙂

  9. leah

    I’ve recently started following Amanda’s blog and thoroughly enjoy reading her thoughts.

  10. mare

    This would be fantastic to have to keep my grandkids busy when I have them this year. We love to craft together but I am running out of ideas.


  11. Melody

    I’m a long time follow of Amanda’s blog. She’s keeps me inspired to be creative in my and around my home. I would love to win her books.

    Thanks for the chance.

  12. Rachel

    Love, love, love Soule Mama! Would love, love, love to win!

  13. Catherine

    Yes please! I have one of her books out from the library and dread having to take it back.

    Catherine HOdge

  14. Anonymous

    I’ve spent quite some time flipping through these books at the bookstore, and I would love to have them on my personal shelves!
    Chantal Marlinski

  15. Kate

    I follow Soule Mama’s website and would love to have the books too. Thanks!

  16. thehardings

    I love the idea of doing craft with my boys. I am the mother of 3 boys, with an additional boy due any day now. I’d love to put this book to good use. Thanks Vickie.
    Sally Harding 🙂

  17. Anonymous

    A family that crafts together stays together <3

    ~Stacie Berard

  18. Anonymous

    This book looks amazing, I’d love to have a copy to share with my daughter. Thank you for the chance.

    Brandy Cannady

  19. Anonymous

    Thanks for being so inspiring and helping connect us all to other inspiringly crafty folks. It makes the world feel smaller, more cozy. In the best of ways.

    Steph Sananikone

  20. Future Libraian

    I’ve been reading Amanda’s blog every day for over three years now. I love her first book, but I haven’t had a chance to see the second yet. I will keep her lasted book, and give away the first as a gift. Thank you!!

    Jessica Hutchins

  21. Anonymous

    The books sound really interesting and inspiring. Dianne Askew

  22. Grace Hernandez

    I’m not very good at relating to children, but when there is a craft involved, we all have a great time! Crafting is such a great way to spend quality time with the whole family.
    -Grace Hernandez

  23. studiojmm

    I gave a copy of Creative Family to my sister for Christmas the year it came out and have been kind of wishing I’d kept it ever since. I’d love this. Thanks.

  24. Anonymous

    I’m a fan of Amanda’s blog and would LOVE to win her books.

  25. Paula L.

    I’ve been reading Amanda’s blog for a long time and love it. Would love to win her books; thanks for the giveaway!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  26. emsres

    Amanda’s blog is the first one I read each day before I’m up, off and running with my own family. I love all the great ideas she has for wonderful creative things to do as a family.


  27. Kathi

    I would love to have that book. I have been reading her blog for a long time now! Thank you for the chance

    Kathi Menner

  28. Holly C.

    I love Amanda’s books. I already own them, but I’d love to win a set to give as a gift to someone who doesn’t!

  29. frollein anna

    I am following Amanda´s blog as well and would simply LOVE to win her books! thanks for the great opportunity…I am happy I found your blog via soulemama!

  30. Monkey Business

    I have gifted these books so many times, but always request it from the library for myself. I think it is time I had my own copies!!

  31. Anonymous

    The books are amazing and inspire me each day!

    Sarah Davidson

  32. Anonymous

    These would be a treat! Who doesn’t love SouleMama?

    janemetzger at hotmail dot com

  33. Kelly

    Oh how exciting! These would be wonderful gifts for friends who are newly parents! Kelly Swan

  34. Colleen Yvonne

    I’m happy to be introduced to your family-friendly
    blog. Will for sure come back. Would L O V E a chance to look through Amanda’s books! Thank you..

  35. Anonymous

    A-ha! I know a soon-to-be-mum who would love this set as a pressie in readiness for her first born…

    Thanks for offering us the chance at such a lovely gift,

    Sam Essex

  36. Jamie

    Would love to win this book! I’m a fan of soulemama :). I’ve bought it for a friend, but haven’t actually gotten it for myself yet.

    Jamie Ussher

  37. Beth

    Oh, how I would love to win Amanda’s books. I love her style and the ways in which she makes creativity so family centered.

  38. shelle

    I would love these books. I gave away mine copies to first time moms. Creative family has so many wonderful ideas to incorporate into daily life. Thanks!

  39. Sara

    Ooh! Loved the first book and haven’t even seen the second one in real life. Looks good!

  40. Tara

    Great giveaway! Since I already have my own copies of these great resources, I hope I win so that I can share the greatness with another!

  41. Anonymous

    Oh…is it too late! How I’d love to get my hands on these books. Love that girl! -Addie Lewis

  42. kazbee

    Wow, what a beautiful giveaway – I’m a big fan and am always on the look out for ways to foster the creative spirit in our family 🙂

  43. Joann

    I have coveted these books for a while. I have checked them out from the library and oozed over them. Whoever wins is a lucky reader!!

  44. Heather Brownlee

    I am always looking for inspiration to guide me in new ways to explore the world of my childrens’ creativity. These books look like just the thing! Heather Brownlee

  45. LeahD

    I adore Amanda Soule’s blog SouleMama and am so happy to have come across yours as well! What a lovely giveaway!

  46. Anonymous

    I would love to have these books! her website is wonderful. thank you!! -Katie Payne