NEW PATTERN: Flopsy Baby Sunhat!
Spring is here which means it’s time to take the kiddo outside to enjoy the weather. After you lather him or her up with suncreen, why not top ’em off with my new, granny square and double crochet Flopsy hat,…
Spring is here which means it’s time to take the kiddo outside to enjoy the weather. After you lather him or her up with suncreen, why not top ’em off with my new, granny square and double crochet Flopsy hat,…
Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox is a delightful amalgamation of classic story, off-beat humor and appreciation for whimsy all capped off by creatures in tiny sweaters! Here are a few foxy shots of knitted pieces. “Mr. Fox” (voiced by George…
In my book, Diablo Cody (Juno/United States of Tara) can write no wrong so I’m going to just assume that along with the clever dialogue in Jennifer’s Body, she also wrote all of the knitwear into the character descriptions. Oh,…
Hey there, hookers! Don’t forget to crochet-up one of these adorable, bunnygarumi projects this Easter. The Animal Planet plushie from AwareKnits makes a great giftie for anybunny! Dig out the May/June ’09 Issue of Crochet Today!, to whip up this…
I was finally able to see Precious: Based on the Novel by Sapphire last week. The story of a horrifically abused teenager and her journey to rise above it; the movie was as well acted, written and directed as it…
My obsession with spotting yarn-y items in the media will soon be enabled by a new feature on the blog I’m calling, “KnitSpotting” (and of course by my regular, Movie Monday posts). When my favorite American Idol contestant of…
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