Candy Corn Poncho in Crafts ‘n’ Things!

Halloween is a little over a month and a half away and I don’t know about you, but I’m already in the spirit. I *heart* Halloween, so keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks for some…
Halloween is a little over a month and a half away and I don’t know about you, but I’m already in the spirit. I *heart* Halloween, so keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks for some…
iCover, digital tablet cozy. Do you have a case of the Mondays? Well so do we. Weekly. That’s why on every Monday this month, the Bernat Design team and I came up with quick-and-easy projects that’ll begin your week with…
Here we are, exactly a year from the infamous Missoni at Target stores (in the U.S.) launch; the tipping point for what has continued to be a collective, crazed enthusiasm for chevron print. It’s a bandwagon that I happily…
Are you ready to party? Or rather Twitter Party — Twarty, as it were? Well good then, because tomorrow I’m co- hosting one in celebration of Bernat Baby Month. Join the Bernat team and me for some Q & A,…
Today kicks off Bernat Baby Month, which means 31 days of adorable baby designs, new techniques, baby lovin’, blogger guest posts, baby yarn discounts and daily knitting tips for moms from me! Here are my two design contributions: Source:…
Like getting free stuff? So do I. Lucky for you though, I like giving away goodies even more! Thanks to the Bernat powers-that-be, I have permission to unload some great, yarn-y treats all week. Starting today, join me on the…
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