
Back from O-Town

Did anyone else use to watch “Making of the Band” about O-Town? I did…and oh yes, I did have an opinion about whether or not Ashley should get married so young! 😉

I’m back from Oakland and other than forgetting to bring my beloved Black Jack with me (which induced an unhealthy dose of separation anxiety), the trip went along swimmingly. Adrienne and I spent one day with our editor Valerie; talking photographers, photo shoot venues and manuscript layout. The next day and a half was spent glued to her kitchen table; across from each other with dueling laptops. We knocked out a ton of sidebars/eco-related content but alas, didn’t come close to finishing. Looks like a marathon iChat session is in our near future!

Alright, I might have just told a little white lie. We didn’t spend and entire day and a half writing away. I met up with my dear friend of *cough* 23 years who happened to be visiting Oakland (from Japan, where he owns a school) at the same time.  We visited with his brother and nephew for a few hours, until we met up with Adrienne for lunch. Here’s a shot of Steve and I at our 8th grade graduation, circa 1988.

We took a new picture in the same position in Oakland, but it’s so horribly unflattering of both of us that I couldn’t bring myself to post it. Upward camera angles and early mornings are clearly, not our friends.  I’m quite sure though, that if I had had the same sweet, fingerless gloves I wore in the original shot; that the current picture could have been nothing short of nostalgic perfection.  Alas.

After lunch, A. & I swung by her beautiful, sustainable living shop.

If you’re ever in the East Bay area, definitely stop by there.  Her stuff is amazing–I just ordered a pair of 1920’s inspired Vivienne Westwood shoes from there, that are made entirely of recycled materials!

Our last stop before heading back to working-town, was a beautiful yarn shop called: Article Pract.  I’ve seen their booth at market before, but have never been in the actual store.   They had a really great selection of needles, accessories, spinning materials and of course, yarn. Here I am with the owner, Christina Stork.   Studies have shown that 2 out of 2 redheads, enjoy Namaste knitting bags! 😉
Well, it’s 3pm and I’m still in my jammies.  So, I bid you adieu–to finally get dressed.
Have a great weekend!
xo, Vickie