Five Ways to Make Yarn Ribbons

Five Ways to Make Yarn Ribbons It’s that time of year when a lot of us are thinking about gift wrapping, and if you’re a fiber crafter chances are you also have a yarn stash that’s calling to you for…
Five Ways to Make Yarn Ribbons It’s that time of year when a lot of us are thinking about gift wrapping, and if you’re a fiber crafter chances are you also have a yarn stash that’s calling to you for…
On CRAFT*ish: Novelist Nora Zelevansky. This week I talked to Brooklyn-based journalist and novelist, Nora Zelevansky. Her latest book, Will You, Wont You, Want Me is out on shelves now. During our conversation, Nora gave me a peak into her life…
On CRAFT*ish: Lena Skvagerson, Lead Designer for Annie’s Signature Collection. This week I had a conversation with Lena Skvagerson, the Lead Designer for Annie’s Signature Designs and one of the experts on public television’s Knit and Crochet Now, hosted by…
I Love Yarn Day It’s October 15th which means, I Love Yarn Day! For the 6th year running knitters, crocheters, weavers, and crafters nationwide are celebrating our passion for fiber arts. Thanks to the Craft Yarn Council, awareness for craft…
Vickie Howell + Valley Yarns Super Bulky I’m thrilled to have partnered with my longtime industry friends at WEBS, and couldn’t be more excited to share my color collection with our yarn-y community! As a designer, getting the opportunity to delve…
Amy Singer: Knitty Magazine Editor and Publisher This week I talked with Amy Singer — the editor and publisher of Knitty, the longest-living, online knitting magazine. Amy’s publication gave me my first break as a designer back in 2003, and our…
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